808-123-4567 [email protected] 231 Front Street, Lahaina, HI 96761

Search: example

Our Ministries

Our Ministries This is an example featured page using shortcodes. Nihil hic munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum? Tityre, tu patulae recubans sub tegmine fagiĀ  dolor. Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi, nihil timor populi, nihil! Etiam… Read More

Our Faith

Our Faith We believe in something greater than ourselves. A presence, feeling and connection that goes beyond human understanding. We believe because we have faith. This is an example featured page added to the home page… Read More

Please Donate

Start helping the world today with a donation to our organization! This is an example of the Give donation form. Create as many donation forms and fundraisers as you like with a beautiful GivingPress site for your organization.

Donor List

This is an example page using the Donor List shortcode. The shortcode adds a list of the most recent donors within a table that can be displayed within any page or post content. Example Shortcode: [donor_list]

Wide Page

This is an example page using a template applied within the Page Attributes section of the page editor. Pages are used to display static content throughout your site. This page contains filler content with images and… Read More

Page Layouts

Your GivingPress site contains several templates for displaying pages with a variety of layouts. For instance, this page is using the “Full Width” template, which hides all sidebars from being displayed on the page. Templates may… Read More


This is an example of the accordion shortcode available with GivingPress. Example Shortcode: [accordion] [section name=”My Accordion Title”]…[/section] [section name=”My Accordion Title”]…[/section] [section name=”My Accordion Title”]…[/section] [/accordion]

Alert Boxes

GivingPress inclues an alert box shortcode that can be used to make announcements or highlight content. Example Shortcode: [box color=”green” align=”left”]…[/box]

An example of the power of GivingPress for church and faith based websites!Build Your Nonprofit Site!
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